Microprocessor trainer Model MPT-85, is an 8085 trainer. Using this trainer, students studying in, electronics, electrical, instrumentation, mechanical, chemical engineering subjects, B.Sc. (electronics, computers, and physics) slaboratory, and polytechnics can learn programming an 8085 Microprocessor. This can be used for designing prototypes. The instrument is supplied with 48K memory, 32K EPROM and 16K RAM expandable to 64KB using an additional 27128 EPROM. RAM is battery backed using a NiCad battery. Using two numbers of on-board 8255, Input/output interface experiments can be performed. Several experimental interface modules can be connected to this trainer. They are ADC, DAC, Stepper motor, 8-bit switch input, 8-bit LED output, Relay interface module, etc, and many more are available. The instrument has a 50-pin Flat Ribbon Cable (FRC) connector, for interfacing Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) chip 8255. The instrument has 22 re-programmable keys. Using OPTIONAL Editor Assembler software, the user can enter their programs on the computer’s screen in Mnemonic fashion directly with the help of the computer keyboard. By the use of this software, the user need not hand edit Opcodes by looking into the Opcode chart. The software directly reads the mnemonics and creates Downloadable opcodes and data automatically. This helps in developing the software and interfaces faster than hand editing programs, and eliminates possible errors at any stage. This has the facility to enter / edit: Labels, comments, redefine start address (Origin) of your programs, data segments, etc. This software can create automatically, Assembly files (.asm) for generating your programs and for eventual storage on storage media, Text files (.LST) for documentation purposes, Hex files (.HEX) used for Download operations Essentially designed to teach the study of: - Instruction set of 8085.
- Familiarize the components used in typical MICROPROCESSOR based instruments.
- Design application oriented equipment.
- Design student projects.
- Perform input/output experiments.
- Study the signals generated by the MICROPROCESSOR.
- Learn the art of programming in machine language.
- Design and debugging techniques, etc.
- Mounted on an elegant cabinet.
Specifications: 1. Hardware - CPU: 8085 A Microprocessor.
- Memory: 48KB on board, comprising of KB 16K monitor EPROM and 32KB RAM, NiCad battery backup for RAM. Provision to expand EPROM by 16KB using 27128.
- I/O Lines: Built-in 48 lines using two numbers of 8255 PPIs. The necessary signals are terminated on a 50 pin FRC.
- Timer: 1 Timer / counter with three independently programmable counters.
- All the control signals, address bus, data bus are terminated on a separate 50 Pin flat ribbon cable connector (Male)
- Keys: 24 feather touch keys.
- Display: 6 numbers of seven segment high bright display.
- Programmer: Built-in EPROM programmer for 27128 operating at 12.5V
- Serial interface: RS232C hardware making use of 8251,1488, 1489 and firmware for
- Built-in power supply.
- Ergonomically designed cabinet with protective cover.
2. Software: - Enter, store and edit your program,
- Examine / alter any memory location
- Increment / Decrement an address and view the contents
- Single step your program,
- Verify / Alter register contents during single step
- Break point facility,
- Move a block of memory from one place to other, (this will not change address of conditional or unconditional branch address in the moved block)
- Read blank EPROM (27128),
- Write EPROM ( 27128),
- Verify the contents of programmed EROM,
- UP load and DOWN load to and from an IBM computer, etc can be performed.
- This is supplied with an operating instruction manual.