MPT-86LCD Microprocessor board designed around 8086 is ideal for learning 16 bit Microprocessors and peripherals. This makes use of a LCD display to display the mnemonics and codes using 2 Line by 16 Character LCD display is directly connected to the bus like a memory device. The user programs are entered using 101 PC type keyboard. This system has a built in LINE-BY-LINE assembler and disassembler. It means that, whenever a line is entered in assembler mode, it verifies the correctness of mnemonic and assembles into its equivalent opcodes and associated data / or in that line. The Microprocessor operates at 18.432 MHZ using a crystal. Since 16 bits of address and data are multiplexed it is necessary to separate the lower order address and data. Firmware is stored on an EPROM. User data/programs can be stored in 64KB CMOS static RAM of type 62256. Memory and I/O address decoding signals are available on system bus. This trainer has two 8255 ICs for interface experiments. This enhances the capabilities of the MPT-86LCD trainer. All the 48 I/O lines are brought to 50-pin FRC connector for interfacing experiments. MPT-86LCD has onboard serial port; USART, to transmit and receive signals to RS232C levels. These signals are brought to 9 pin D type connector. This RS232 connector may be used for communicating with remote PC computer. Baud rate of serial communication may be changed from 150 to 9600 baud. One three-channel timer IC is provided. Transmit and receive clock for USART is obtained from Channel 2 of timer IC. 101 PC type keyboard is interfaced to Microprocessor through two pins of 8255 port pins. Communication between keyboard and Microprocessor takes place using 2 wires- one for serial clock and serial data. Specifications: 1. Hardware - 8086 Microprocessor operating at 18.432 MHZ
- 16KB powerful software monitor.
- Three 16 bit programmable timers.
- 48 Programmable I/O lines using PPI
- RS232C Serial interface
- 50 Pin FRC connector for system bus expansion
- 50 Pin FRC connector for user interface from 8255
- 9 Pin D type connector for RS 232C interface
- Built-in power supply.
- Six different selectable baud rates from 150 to 9600
- 101 PC type keyboard for entering user address/data and for commands
- Built in line by line assembler and disassembler
- User-friendly software monitor for loading and executing programs with break point facility
- Facility to connect to PC
2. Software: - A (ASSEMBLE) -This key permits the user to enter the program directly using mnemonics.
- B (BAUD) - This key selects the baud rate for serial communication. On power on resets the system and selects default baud rate 2400. Seven different baud rates (9600, 4800,2400, 1200, 600, 300 and 150) can be selected using the space bar key.
- D (DISASSEMBLE) - This key permits the user to view the opcode with their mnemonic.
- E (EXAMINE / DUMP Memory)-This key is activating only in Serial Mode. This allows viewing the contents of the EPROM/RAM memory.
- G (GO) - This key is used to execute program at specified address with specified register contents.
- H (HELP) - This key is used to display the command list. Depressing the space bar key,
- Increments address to display the next command.
- I (INSERT) - This key allows the user to insert mnemonics/data into their program.
- L (DOWNLOAD) - This key permits to receive the program/data to the trainer from the PC.
- M (MDFY) - This key is used to display the external 64KB program memory area or data memory may be modified in conjunction with cursor up and down arrow keys.
- Enter key terminates the function.
- N (NORMAL MODE) - This key is used to come back to the LCD mode when you are in serial mode, by pressing ‘S’ in the computer keyboard.
- R (REGISTER) - This key selects the register display and if needed the registers can be modified. Space bar key is used to increment to display the next register
- S (SERIAL) - This key is used to change local mode to serial communication. All keys except reset are disabled in serial mode.
- T (TRANSFER) - This key permits to block move data from one area to another.
- U (UPLOAD) - This key permits to transmit the program/data to PC
- X (DELETE) - This key permits to delete no of data or opcode.
- ? (Some Notes for User) - This key shows some important notes for the user.
- ENTER KEY (EXE) - This key is the terminating key for all functions and commands.
- UP ARROW KEY (INC) -This key is used to increment memory address.
- DOWN ARROW KEY (DEC) - This key is used to decrement memory address.
- KEYS 0 TO F - These keys are used to enter hex address or data.