This consists of a programmable communication interface and necessary hardware for communication in RS232C standards. Using this trainer the student can experiment to understand various protocols for serial communications. Typical study experiments are for
1. Synchronous and Asynchronous transmission
2. Internal and external character synchronization
3. Generation of Synchronous baud rate generation
4. Full Duplex Transmitter and Receiver
5. All input outputs are TTL compatible.
6. Single TTL clock
This unit can be interfaced with System Bus of Microprocessor Trainer Model MPT-85. This unit requires an external pulse generator for generating data stream.
Using this trainer it is possible to observe the following signals
Reset, Clock, C/D, Read, write, CTS, DSR, RxRDY, TxRDY etc.
This unit has built-in power supplies necessary for RS232C interface also.