Product Catalogue: 0741 |
An eddy current is reproduced by using a “C” shaped magnet affixed to the track and then pass once of the kits screens through it. COMPONENTS : • Aluminium flag with slits • Aluminium flag without slits (1 mm) • Aluminium flag without slits (3 mm) • Magnetic poles “C” shaped • Metallic flag for motion sensor • Support for Magnet. Eddy current (also known as Foucault current) is a phenomenon caused by a moving magnetic field
intersecting a conductor or vice-versa. The relative motion causes a circulating flow of electrons, or currents, within the conductor. With this kit, students can easily study “electromagnetic brakes” (also called eddy current brakes), to retard motion or cause deceleration in a moving system. This type of brake converts kinetic energy to heat without contact between the moving parts. Heat is generated in the screen as a direct result of the Electrical resistance of the material and the current flow induced in it; this heat represents the kinetic energy being absorbed, and it’s analogous to heat generation in a friction brake. |