All the electrical engineering experiments will have broadly the following objectives while performing relevant experiments. The scope of the supply does not include, hardware like DOL starters, Mains switches, wiring from the mains supply to the experimental tables, HRC fuse assemblies, Circuit breakers, ELCBs, civil structures etc. However these are required to be installed or constructed or assembled and wired, prior to connecting necessary experimental setups. Objectives of experimental setups. a. Activity Sequence b. Study of nameplate details c. Identifying measuring instruments and support accessories required for conducting the experiment d. Preview e. Record Circuit Diagram and connection diagrams f. Model graph and expected outcome g. Data processing and calculations and h. Inference While establishing the electrical laboratory, the following recommendations may be adhered at the experimental tables, as a precautionary measure. •Separate wires and neutral wires using standard 7-20 SWG, must be drawn from MCBs on the distribution panel to the respective Motor – Generator / Alternator sets. •Mains trip switch (Isolators) for DC and 3 ?, to be provided near every equipment MG Set of each experimental setup for safety purpose. •Neutral must be terminated with 30A black color banana terminal, at each and every experimental work table •Earth wire using 8 SWG copper wire must be made available at every MG set. At least two bolts on the base assembly of MG set must be connected to this earth wire. •Isolators must be fitted as shown in the diagram near each and every MG set. UNENDING DEBATE: How do you distinguish and qualify a component, or a machine or an experimental setup, suitable for Electrical engineering laboratory and why? There was a growing concern expressed by various learned faculty members, that power-handling capabilities of the machines recommended for laboratory experiments should reflect, close to qualify for true Electrical engineering laboratories. This is partly because, true electrical characteristics of systems will be better observed and more pronounced in higher power handling ranges, than in the machines working at few hundred watts. This remained always a point of discussion and debate, with differing views by many learned faculty members. For example, one faculty member says it is sufficient if rudiments of electrical engineering are explained to the students at graduate level, so that we need not invest big money. The other faculty member differs, stating that, it is something like teaching swimming without a swimming pool to a trainee / student. Further, he goes on to say that, the student / trainee cannot feel the strain and pain without actual swimming in the pool. So it looks, the characteristics of an electrical machine, will look more pronounced and meaningful, if it is atleast close to a KW region. The arguments and counter arguments are unending. It looks, power handling capabilities, probably appears to be the point in argument, to qualify a component or machine or a setup to be used in electrical engineering laboratories. Atleast this appears to be the consensus by various faculty members in electrical engineering. For example, a transformer used in an electronic measuring instrument can be anywhere between a few watts to say hundred watts. When such a transformer is used in electrical engineering experiment, no doubt, it is sufficient to explain the rudiments of a transformer. But when it comes to electrical engineering labs, a KW appears to be a normal parameter, while it is a few tens of watts or at the best say 300 watts, when used by an electronics engineer. This is because an electrical engineer is tuned to handling power systems or must be trained to handle large power. Hence the power handling capabilities of the machines appear to be the necessary evil. Experimental setups made in modular style, looks small and compact. They are economical, but the power handling capabilities of such systems, will not exceed more than say 250Watts. At such low power handling, true electrical experimental characteristics can be realised, Experimental setup required for popular experiments are listed below. This is not a comprehensive list. There is ample scope for listing plenty of experiments. These are minimum requirements, listed in various university syllabi. specific request. It is very important for you to incorporate all the necessary safety features against accidents that may occur during the experiments. |