This trainer is intended to study the analog data transmission principles. Although most fiber optic systems are digital in format, there are few analog applications. Designing an LED / LASER driver for an analog fiber optic system is comparable to designing an electronics CLASS-A amplifier. It must have adequate bandwidth, good linearity, and non-clip for the range of input signals. This trainer provides a means to study and experiment how an analog signal can be transmitted over a multimode 1000 mm multi-mode plastic fiber cable. Study of Fiber Transmission circuits includes, and Calculation of 3dB bandwidth. This trainer includes an analog transmitter, transmitting media, and a receiver. The analog transmitter consists of an LED (680 nm) / IR emitter (800nm) as an optical driver. The transmission media is 1000 mm multi-mode plastic fiber cable. The receiver consists of a linear amplifier. This unit is assembled in an ergonomically designed cabinet, with necessary power supplies and associated emitters, detectors, multi mode transmission cables. You need an optional signal source, Oscilloscope, a high impedance mulitmeter as additional equipment to successfully conducting the above objectives. Specification: Types of Transmitters:- Infra Red : Fiber optic Infra Red 820 nm peak wavelength housed in FC adapter. Visible RED : Fiber optic Red 635 nm peak wavelength housed in FC adapter. Types of Receivers:- Photodiode : Peak sensitivity 880nm Phototransistor : Peak sensitivity 850nm Connection : Plastic fiber optic package, suitable for PMMA cable, housed in FC Adapter Fiber connector : Industry standard FC – FC connector Fiber optics cable type : Plastic optical cable, step index, multimode. Core refractive index : 1.492 Clad refractive index : 1.406 Acceptance angle : Within 60 degrees Core diameter : 1000mm Fiber diameter : 2.2mm Fiber length supplied : 1 meter and 3 meter Power supply : 12 V |