INTRODUCTION :- Velocity and accelaration of a body depends upon its inertia for a particular accelarating force. The ‘SUPERSONIC’ apparatus consists of a flywheel mounted in ball bearings. When torque is applied to it, it starts accelarating If the inertia of flywheel is reduced by weight, then for same torque, velocity and accelaration of lighter flywheel will be greater. Thus effect of inertia upon velocity and accelaration is demonstrated. When weight are attached to flywheel, inertia of flywheel is changed. SPECIFICATIONS : 1) Flywheel –200mm x 35mm thick. 2) Pulley and weight set for applying the torque weight set 200gm,500 gm,1 kg 3) Recorder – Paper roll with reciprocating pen. 4) Small Motor to mounting backet with ball bearings. 5) Flywheel mounting bracket with ball bearings. SERVICES REQUIRED 1) Bench area of 0.5 X 0.5 m 2) 230 v 50 Hz AC supply. 3) A detailed technical manual accompanies the unit. |