A highly stable and accurate digital pH meter featuring rugged and reliable design providing accurate results over long time. Specifications Measuring Range - 0 to 14.00pH 10 to 1999.9mV, Resolution - 0.01pH/1mV, Accuracy - 0.01pH ± 1 digit / ±1mV, Display - 3 .5 digit, bright red LED display, Input Impedence 1012 Ohms, Slope Control - 80 to 120%, Reorder Output - 0 to 10 mV/pH; 0 to 10mV/100mV (adjustable), Power Input - 220V ± 10%. 50Hz AC.
pH METER, DIGITAL, BENCH STAND - with 0-100°C, with auto temperature compensation.
pH METER, DIGITAL, BENCH STAND - with 0-100°C, with manual temperature compensation.