Well designed features for precise and accurate serial sectioning, with feed setting visible from front, improved locking device and counter balanced wheel. Light weight cover hinged at back provides for easy access to internal parts for cleaning and oiling. Feed is adjustable from 1 to 50 microns in steps of 1 micron. Free up and down movement of object clamp. Automatic restricted total excursion of 28 mm by disengaging the feed mechanism to prevent jamming. Ball and flange object clamp provides flexible orientation of object piece. Takes specimen upto 32×27 mm on stem of block holders. Knife holder allows for 120 mm on 180 mm long knife. Cutting angle is adjustable through 30 degrees. Two levers release knife holder for resetting angles and a third lever releases the entire assembly for movement on slide way to adjust horizontal distance from object. Latest cam system eliminates the conventional cord system for feeding, resulting in better section cutting and improved efficiency of the machine. Supplied complete with One knife 120 mm long with back and handle in wooden box, 2 block holders, One bottle of lubrication oil, rexin cover complete in all respects. |