The Transistor Experimental Trainer is intended to connect various circuits consisting of various transistors. This instrument has built-in power supplies, active and passive components. All the components are terminated on Push Switch Connectors for patching the circuits. The necessary components are included on the front panel for easy patching. They are - Transistors: AC 187 (NPN) and AC 188 (PNP)
- Resistors: 1KW 4.7KW , 10KW, 22KW, 100KW
- Capacitors: 10µF, 100µF,
- Potentiometer: 1KW
- Variable Power Supplies:
Continuously variable from + 1.2 V DC to + 15V DC. Continuously variable from - 1.2 V DC to - 15V DC.
- Sine generator: frequency in the range of 200Hz to 20 KHz two steps X1 and X10. The amplitude can also be varied upto 10PP
- One 0 – 10mA external ammeter to measure the currents in the circuits.