Product Catalogue: 0962 |
TRANSPARENCIES PHYSICS Set of 50 - Microscope, Photographic Camera, Magic Lantern Structure, Three Kinds of Levers, Machines and Pulleys, Electrical Cells, Telephone, Dynamo AC, Dynamo DC, Steam Engine, Petrol Engine, Pumps, Bramah Press, Air Pump, States of Equilibrium, Eye and its Defects, Electroplating, Electric Bell, Telescopes, Solar Spectrum, X-Rays, Television, Light 1st, Light 2nd, Image (Convex Lens), Image (Concave Mirror), Origin of Lighting, Barometer, Balance, Sound, Wave Motion, Radioactivity, Symbols of Electrical Components and Instruments, Hydraulic Brakes, Ohm's Law, Three States of Matter, Measurement with Scale, Vernier Caliper, Micrometer, Spherometer, Optical Bench, Transistors Types and Shapes, Galvanometer (Moving Coil), Inclined Plane, Young's Modulus of Steel, Resistance Box, Ammeter and Voltmeter, Ticker Tape Timer, First Law of Motion, Tangent Galvanometer. |