Capacitance exists between two parallel plates, when separated by a dielectric medium. The extent of capacitance depends on the common area subtended by these two parallel plates, separated by the dielectric. This principle is made use to create a variable area capacitor. The variable area capacitor is very widely used in oscillators to change the frequency of oscillations, in association with a RC network. In this trainer, a variable area capacitor in the range of 50pf to 500pf is used to produce oscillations. These oscillations are converted to voltage. This voltage is measured on output terminals. A plot between the output voltage and the angle subtended by the transducer is plotted. An external power supply of ±12V and +5V are required. Specifications: - Capacitance: 50pf to 500pf.
- Angular displacement: 0º to 180º
- Output: 2.5 max.
- Power supply: External power supply required.