This interface trainer is intended to demonstrate the methods of demonstrating the material Dispensing methods by LADDER-LOGIC program. This instrument has a common water tank and three special purpose pumps and three indicators to display the presence of 3 dispensing devices. The pumps are activated to dispense the liquid. Whenever each pump is activated a corresponding indicator is illuminated. 4 different Momentary switches provided on the PLC trainer could simulate input signal required for activation. This provides an opportunity for selecting the dispensing device. The annunciator indicator available on the PLC trainer also can be illuminated, and Legend can be written on the Annunciator window using a sketch pen to simulate what type of liquid is currently dispensed. The legend can be LEMON, COLA, TEA, COFFEE etc. PLC Ladder –Logic program has to be activated to enable the other functions like TIMERS, FLAGS, REGISTERS etc. |